Cooperative development concept for businesses, mobility, and spatial development of the region Gmunden

From the smart combination of companies, mobility and regional development, the city region Gmunden has gained a new image as a Smart City/Smart Region and a new regional added value: GMUNDEN BEMORE. The emerging RegioTram is linked to the spatial development and active energy space planning; via LEEN (Local Energy Efficiency Networks), regional leading companies have become involved.

The BEMORE project positions the area Gmunden – Traunsee as a Smart Urban Region. In the Upper Austrian municipality of Gmunden almost 50,000 people live in nine communities (cf. Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning 2009 , Statistics Austria 2011) . The small town region, conveniently located at the A1, has developed dynamically in recent years; as well as an above-average increase in population, strong growth in companies and workplaces has also been observed. The need for energy-efficient municipal, transport and mobility structures is large in small town regions but because of lower population density, fragmented decision-making structures and modest financial resources, these are more difficult to implement than in cities. In the municipality of Gmunden there are currently promising opportunities to join the constellation of stakeholders, framework instruments and individual projects and be immersed in the spirit of the smart city/smart region.

The BEMORE model was based on the three pillars of the Smart City concept:

Mobility (smart mobility): New RegioTram as the backbone of the mobility system

Companies (smart economy): LEEN (Local Energy Efficiency Networks) – integration of leading regional enterprises – energy efficiency (mobility, waste heat, processes, electrical appliances, regional cycles)

Regional development (smart living, smart environment): Active energy planning for energy-efficient residential buildings and infrastructure

From the smart combination of companies, mobility and regional development, the city region Gmunden has gained a new image as a smart city/smart region and a new regional added value: GMUNDEN BEMORE. The three pillars of the project will be networked via a communication process that already began during the project preparation.

As part of the Smart City exploration of GMUNDEN BEMORE, proposed measures and first goes/no-goes will be developed for a Smart City pilot project/R&D project or other initiatives in the field of EE in the coming years.


Project data – Exploratin project of the 3rd Call 2012
Project start: 12/01/2013
Project end: 05/31/2015
Approved funding: € 92.500,–
Total project costs: € 192.148,–
Technologiezentrum Salzkammergut GmbH (Consortial leader)
sattler energie consulting GmbH
Stern & Hafferl Verkehrsgesellschaft m.b.H.
stadtland Dipl.Ing. Sibylla Zech GmbH
Komobile Gmunden GmbH


Project lead

DI Horst Gaigg
Technologiezentrum Salzkammergut GmbH

Tel.: +43(0)7612/9003-1010
