NEW3TION – Three cities as trendsetter for sustainable nutrition projects

This research based project brings together questions of the smart city programme with the latest foodtrends on topics of sustainability and climate – conscious urban nutrition spaces.


The identification of new perspectives and potentials for the further development of the Smart Cities Initiative in the context nutrition and urban food spaces is the main aim of the trend study NEW3TION. The focus is set on the topics of energy and climate protection in connection with the transformation towards sustainable urban food systems. Central questions include current challenges, opportunities and innovative solutions for Austrian small, medium and large cities. Of great interest are existing European approaches, examples of good practice and established implementations for the sustainable design of urban food systems.

Contents, Goals and approach

The aim of the trend study is to develop and show recommendations for action and innovative solutions for the challenges Austrian cities are facing with regard to sustainable food supply, climate-friendly urban food production and awareness-raising for sustainable, healthy nutrition. Current nutritional trends, energy topics and climate protection as well as the sustainable development goals serve as guiding principles. The Smart Cities Initiative will be supported with practicable, future-oriented approaches for the “nutrition space city”.

Expectes outcomes

A criteria and synthesis catalog for the classification and evaluation of urban nutrition projects with regard to their contribution and their impact on sustainable development / SDGs; Action dossiers for three Austrian cities of different size and character (Vienna, Innsbruck, Bad Gastein) as possible starting points for further implementation projects as well as “blue prints” for imitation and scaling; Recommendations: a clear presentation of possible approaches and potentials for the enhanced integration of the “nutrition space city” into the Smart Cities Initiative of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund.



