Speak Smart – Intelligent Cities through intelligent Communication


In order to tackle the problems caused by climate change it is not sufficient to develop compensation strategies as it is currently being done but it is necessary to initiate a societal change of paradigms. Residents and users of energy efficient buildings can considerably influence energy consumption. The so called „performance gap“ (= the difference between intended and actual performance of buildings) multiplies thousandfold in a „Smart City“ concept and constitutes a dimension of the problem that cannot be neglected any longer. The two housing developers participating in the present project have been constructing energy efficient buildings and housing areas for a long time. The consortium of the project is well aware of the fact that there is a „performance gap“ that we will have to come to terms with if we intend to reach the climate goals as proclaimed by the national and regional governments stated in Mission2030 and Tirol 2050 energieautonom; Klima- und Energie SALZBURG 2050 The project SPEAK SMART ! – Intelligent cities need intelligent communication has set the aim to integrate and improve the communication processes of housing developers such as NHT, housing contracting authorities such as IBK as well as energy consulting institutions such as ET as determining factor of the operational capability and efficiency of future Smart Cities. This implies that the communicative and cultural needs as well as the actualities of the inhabitants of our future Smart Cities can be more adequately addressed. The measures envisaged are especially aimed at vulnerable groups such as persons with poor socioeconomic backgrounds, youngsters and children of different age groups and migrants of different generations who are not able to participate in social processes to the same extent as other groups.

Last edited on 03/31/2020

Projektdaten – Umsetzungsprojekt im 11 Call

Project start 01.02.2020
Project end 31.01.2023
Approved funding € 423.634
Approved overall cost € 881.057


NEUE HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH (consortium manager)
Universität Innsbruck - Institut für Anglistik/Mehrsprachigkeit (UI-DYME)
Universität Innsbruck - Institut für Psychologie (UI-PSY)
Stadt Innsbruck - Referat für Wohnungsvergabe (IBK)
Energie Tirol - Beratung - Forschung - Förderung (ET)

Project results


Project lead DI Harald Konrad Malzer NEUE HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH +43 (0) 664 80333 - 457 E-Mail
Program management Klima- und Energiefonds Smartcities E-Mail