Active Innsbruck

On the basis of results combined with additional technological input, Innsbruck hopes to develop a vision, roadmap and action plan as part of a broad stakeholder process to determine future energy development and enable it to be evaluated quantitatively. The emphasis will be on identifying action packages (for energy, buildings, mobility, supply networks and information).

Initial situation

Innsbruck, the city geographically limited by the Alps, is aware of the importance of promoting sustainable development of its living space. This understanding has been shown in recent years with studies and plans for environmental and urban development. The most recent step in this direction occurred with the drafting of the Innsbruck energy plan (IEP) from 2008-2011, which proposed a model scenario for providing heat in the building sector by 2025. The project “Active Innsbruck” was initiated to study important energy topics not explicitly covered in the IEP (transportation and power generation) as well as to develop a specific action plan.

Vision developed

The vision of a holistic energy identity in 2050 is only possible by an overall consideration of the city as a system in which energy, buildings, supply networks, mobility, information and people are viewed in an integrated manner. On September 26, 2011 FORUM 1 offered all stakeholders the development of a long-term, qualitative energy vision for Innsbruck to continue beyond the IEP four 2025.
A group of about 80 experts and residents worked together to develop answers to questions of how the city should look in 2050 at what contribution each can make to this development. The guiding objective which emerged was life in a society past the age of fossil fuels, in a city with a high quality of life and mindful use of all resources, with diversity in the landscape and society accompanied by simplicity in technological systems. These values are found throughout the key themes of transportation, energy and buildings. Innsbruck should position itself as a unique research and education center for energy innovation and climate adaptation in the Alpine region. The vision is also expressed graphically to provide a visual basis of understanding for the desired characteristics of the city in 2050.

Action plan developed

The action plan consists primarily of a detailed presentation of the selected showcase projects developed with reference to specific objectives, responsibilities, the implementation period, financing plan and contribution to the achievement of the general goals. Some projects very close to implementation already have detailed plans for financing, because they were already initiated prior to the Smart City project. Other projects are still in the study or feasibility review phase.
The action plan and selected measures from it were presented to stakeholders in FORUM 2 on February 28, 2012 and discussed with them.
A budget of about €120,000 was proposed for the implementation structure in 2012. An additional €100,000 was proposed for initial measures to provide information and raise awareness. The IEP model scenario was approved by the City Council with an understanding of estimated costs amounting to 5 to 7 million euros.


The following is planned to move “Active Innsbruck” and the Innsbruck energy plan forward:

  • Continued work on the project with a core team and steering committee
  • Specification of the measures in the implementation teams for incentive promotions, providing information and raising awareness
  • Implementation of the first showcase projects according to the action plan

Innsbruck in den Medien 2014

Innsbruck in den Medien 2013

Project results


Project lead

Maga Beatrix Frenckell-Insam
City of Innsbruck, Traffic Planning and Environmental Office

Tel: +43(0)512 5360-5173
